Bacterial Growth Regulation and Targeting

Penicillin-binding proteins are required for bacterial growth and division. Most organisms possess many different PBPs but it is not well understood why this is advantageous for bacteria. We have developed numerous activity-based probes and inhibitors for the PBPs

Recent Papers:

Penicillin-binding protein redundancy in Bacillus subtilis enables growth during alkaline shock

Mitchell, S. M., Kearns, D. B. and Carlson, E. E. bioRxiv, 2023, 533529v1. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2024, 90, e0054823.

kinact/KI Value Determination for Penicillin-Binding Proteins in Live Cells

Shirley, J.D.; Gillingham, J.R.; Nauta, K.M.; Diwakar, S.; Carlson, E. E. ACS Infect. Dis. 2024, 10, 4137-4145.

Co-first authors

What types of methods will you learn/use on this project?

Chemical biology, organic synthesis, chemical proteomics and mass spectrometry, fluorescence microscopy, bacterial physiology, molecular modeling, and biochemistry.